Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Shelve in Mercurial

I've been using Mercurial, specifically TortoiseHg, and I very much like the ability to shelve changes in my working set. The interface in TortoiseHg allows you to move chunks of a file into your shelf. I'm a little upset that I've been using a GUI for this, but it's spoiled me. Before I learned about shelving, I would try to work on small bugs in branches, but I didn't want to push those branches to my "central" repo. I then looked into the local branch extension, but it seemed like over kill. The shelve extension comes with TortoiseHg and , as I said before, the UI is very pretty. I think I need to get back to the CLI.  Maybe I'll do a follow up post on using the shelve extension from the command line.

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